Link or Re-link your Kroger Rewards Card!

Harding Avenue Elementary (HAE) PTA is a 501 (c) (3) non profit organization. Your donations are appreciated and are tax deductible. All donations go directly to our school to benefit HAE students.

Link or Re-Link your Kroger Rewards card to Harding Avenue Elementary for a Chance to Win a $50 Kroger Gift Card!

Once linked, each time you shop Kroger will add money to the HAE donation pot. LINK YOUR KROGER CARD HERE to Harding Avenue Elementary PTA (account: JV167). After Linking your card take a screenshot of the page showing you're linked and email it to our PTA secretary, ( You will be entered into a randomizer app for a chance to win a $50 Kroger gift card furnished by HAE PTA!! The winner will be announced and contacted by November 23rd, 2021.